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Virtual Meeting Etiquette

Monday, December 21st, 2020

Virtual meetings have become the norm in 2020, but rather than being a temporary COVID issue; they are here to stay. If you haven’t mastered it already, well, then . . . it’s time to learn the rules of the game. Did you know that developing your virtual meeting etiquette will enhance your professional reputation?

Before the Meeting –

  • Determine the time – err on setting more time than you need. It is far better to complete your agenda in less time than you scheduled than having your meeting go long.
  • Send everyone the correct links for joining, whether by computer or mobile.
  • Create an agenda and distribute it to invitees in advance. If someone else is creating it, be sure to read it thoroughly beforehand. Learn from the boy scouts – be prepared!
  • Assemble all your notes and pertinent info – documents and websites should be open on your computer to assess them quickly.
  • Test your technology – ensuring everything is in working order.
  • If you are using your home office, make sure you have a quiet zone – no kids or pets, and make sure it is in order. No distracting messes in your background. Ensure your “office” is well lit.
  • Dress appropriately – the way you would for an in person meeting. Attendees may be states away, but they can still see you.

During the meeting –

  • Connect on time – joining late is rude. If you are the “chairperson,” link in a couple of minutes ahead to ensure you are first on the line.
  • When you hear the connecting bing, introduce yourself promptly. Speak up so everyone can hear you.
  • Begin with introductions and pleasantries -it helps everyone connect and put a name to a face and voice.
  • Stay present. Focus entirely on the meeting – no multi-tasking, walking around, and here’s a clincher – no eating.
  • Limit typing your notes – the sound is distracting. Designate a note-taker. If the chairman doesn’t assign someone, record the session so you can listen and take notes later.
  • Speak respectfully. Listen respectfully.
  • Turn your mic to mute when you aren’t talking.
  • Ensure that everyone has the opportunity to share their thoughts and feedback.
  • End the meeting by laying out who will be taking what actions.

After the meeting –

  • Follow-up with thanks you’s when appropriate.
  • Follow-through with your assigned tasks.

Taking the time to learn the ropes regarding virtual meetings, and present yourself professionally, but personably is a career essential. It can even make a difference in promotion opportunities. Connecting with Waypoint can enhance your career, too –we’re passionate about placing candidates in the perfect position, the one that provides ultimate career satisfaction. Contact us today.

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